This collection is dedicated to the one who makes a profound impact on everyone she meets- Anna MacDougall. At only a few months old, she was diagnosed with a rare chromosome deletion; and at the time, she was the only one in the world known to have it. Doctors said she wouldn't live past five years old, and that’s when she took her first steps. They say she won’t be able to talk, but she speaks louder than any words. Anna has this sixth sense. She will pick out the shyest person in a room and make them dance with her. She knows when you’re sad, and hugs tighter. She can make the grumpiest person laugh til they cry. A girl who could care less about your appearance, background, beliefs, opinions, or status- all she wants to do is make you smile. She is the epitome of inspiration. We can all learn a little bit from each other, especially Anna. I am so grateful to be your big sister. This ones for you baby girl. I’m more than happy to introduce the next Aloe’s Closet collection- the INSPIRE CAPSULE.

My favorite part of the Inspire Capsule is that 50% of each sale will go towards a charitable foundation we are starting in Anna’s honor, Love Enough to Share. My dad, John MacDougall, has been working around the clock to launch LETS in 2022. If anyone is interested in being a part of the movement, please reach out to You can find the foundation's website here

LETS make it a goal to do something good every time we wear the INSPIRE CAPSULE. Spread the love, inspire others, and channel your inner Anna. The smallest act of kindness could change someone’s day, or their entire life. It sounds cliche, but it’s true. Always remember, sometimes the people who need a hug the most, will never ask.