TSLY Collection - Aloe's Closet

TSLY Collection

If I told myself a year ago, this is where I’d be... I wouldn’t believe you.

2022 was a wild year of ups and downs and probably my most transformative year yet. I moved halfway across the country to my new home- Austin, TX. Found a job that doesn’t feel like work. Completed my first triathlon. Got in the best shape of my life. Bought a convertible. Surrounded myself with the right people. Left a lot of BS and limiting beliefs behind. And started living every day like I’m in my own lil movie. A whole lotta risks and why nots that turned into life changing experiences and opportunities.

Wasn’t easy to get here, but omg it was well worth it. The hardest, but best year yet.

The number 22 has shown up in my life in many ways.. starting with the day I was born, the number of letters in my full name, my sisters rare chromosome deletion diagnosis, license plates, IDs, check numbers and the list goes on and on.  Coincidental, for sure. But when 2022 became such an influential year of my life, I couldn’t help but create something out of it.

This collection is an homage to all of that. The good, bad and the ugly. It makes us who we are. Never lose sight of your true self and always fight for you. Be kind. Inspire each other. And spread the love!!

The heart looking logo is really just two twos coming together in the middle. I added in the iconic sunshine logo to tie it all together!

TSLY: That’s So Last Year. My own pun for being a lil late to the game and launching in 2023. But ALSO a momento to remember how far you’ve come and to never dwell on the past.

I’m grateful for 2022 and can’t wait to see what year 24 will bring.  Thanks for letting me share my dream with you. Sending love.

xx Aloe

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