THE STORY - Aloe's Closet


Aloe's Closet has been a dream of mine since the day I could get dressed myself. Some kids were obsessed with trucks, sports or princesses. I just wanted to play dress up... and change my outfit as many times humanly possible in the span of one day. In 5th grade, we made a book of traditions to give to our parents for the holidays. We had to write an 'About the Author' page with our aspirations for the future. I wrote "I hope to become a fashion designer and live in New York." I think what I'm trying to say is, I've always known what I want, why stop now?
Many of you may not know, but Aloe's Closet made its first debut back in 2015. Let’s just say it was rough and I cringe looking back at those posts. But, I was a high school kid paying for a domain, building my own brand, developing a website and dreaming big. It was awesome! After moving to NYC for college and getting wrapped up in the craziness of it all, I stopped posting, stopped paying for my domain and basically gave up. The only regret I have- taking a break.
This past two years have been a whirlwind, for all of us, to say the least. There’s only one way to take a situation like this, and it’s to look at the bright side. I was coming up on graduating from FIT, trying to find a job, and figuring out the next move. I was filled with anxiety. Deciding to re-commit to Aloe’s Closet was completely in my control. Taking something I am so passionate about to the next level gave me an underlying sense of security and the best kind of happiness. Living at home, I was able to save up some money to start investing into Aloe’s Closet. I launched my first product- the Aloe's Closet Hoodie. 
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I have a hanger tattooed on my wrist, I'd be rich. No it is not because I aspire to open a dry cleaning business... even though they all have a matching neon sign in their window. (P.S. Mom gifted me one for Christmas, it might be my favorite gift yet) I got this tattoo on my 18th birthday.. the day I was legally allowed to. One time I ran into a girl in the Athens airport with a similar tattoo, turns out she had recently graduated from FIT and offered to send me her old textbooks, can't make this shit up. Crazy how the universe works. Needless to say, it’s my constant reminder to do what I love and never give up.
I can’t thank you all enough. Whether it was reading through this post, following my instagram, subscribing to my website, purchasing a hoodie, or simply asking me how the process is going- I appreciate the support with all of my heart.
xx Aloe
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