REAL TALK: Body Image - Aloe's Closet

REAL TALK: Body Image

Let's get real... really real. Since we just launched the Aloeha Collection, I want to take a moment to get personal with you all.

As a child I grew up watching America's Next Top Model and wondering why I didn't look like them. Social media laying the foundation to compete with looks. Staring in the mirror and trying to figure out if my butt was too big or too small. Influencers. Snapchat filters. Comparison coming from myself and others.

Experiences shape us to be the unique one in seven billion miracle of a person we all are today. With today's connectivity, we can experience a lot in one day. Our society has become obsessed with perfection. Whether it's plastic surgery, how you're portrayed online, how moral of a human you are, your political and social beliefs, etc. A sensory overload. I don't know about you, but it definitely shaped me. 

I went through the majority of middle/high school and some of college questioning my body, weight, face, hair from the moment I woke up to the second I fell asleep. I still deal with these issues sometimes, but I'm getting better. I've realized in order to fix how you see yourself, it has to come from within. It can't come from outside validation. Of course, much easier said them done, and it could've been easier for me to realize if the information I consumed around me aligned. For example: where I shopped, who I was looking at on social media, the people I surrounded myself with. That's why with the platform I have, I want to inspire others. I want the customers of Aloe's Closet know they are purchasing from a brand that celebrates the real you- whoever you are and however you look. 

I, Allison MacDougall, vow to not retouch or edit the bodies of any models that wear or are used in connection to Aloe's Closet. This includes and is not limited to: social media posts/stories/videos/reels, email campaigns, website imagery, product photos, promotional ads. We will use filter overlays for aesthetic purposes. If you have questions about these filters, or believe our imagery is in some way misleading, please reach out; I want to be aware. 

If I had more influences to look up to as a kid that celebrated everyone for who they are, no matter what they looked like, I think I'd save myself a lot of pressure. But most importantly, I want my customers and followers to know you're appreciated, loved and beautiful being the most authentic version of yourself. When you remember that, it's when you truly shine.  

Sending love. xx Aloe

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